Conical Hat Diamond – ERP is an advanced ERP system, fully integrated, to help medium to large companies manage efficiently their business operations such as stocks, clients, suppliers and budgets. General Ledger Module -Ability to manage multiple Projects (Entities), and link with user access rights -Ability to manage user role access rights -Ability to record transactions with dual currencies – USD & KHR/THB/VND… -Ability to manage multiple Exchange Rate Sources -Ability to Import/Export data in XLS, XML, or CSV files -Ability to manage multiple locations/warehouses (unlimited) -Ability to manage Segments (Account Analytical Codes) -Ability to manage Budgets either by account or segment and account -Ability to run full System Audit Trails -Fully integrate with Payroll, Billing, POS (Retails & Restaurant) Bank Module -Ability to record Cash Basis transactions (Spend Money, Receive Money, Cash Sale and Cash Purchase) -Ability to record Bank Reconciliation and run Reconciliation Report -Ability to run Cash Disbursement and Cash Receipt Enquiry Account Receivable & SO Module -Ability to manage Client Groups and Client details -Ability to link client/client groups with Rate Card -Ability to manage Sale Promotions -Ability to set Client Credit Limit -Ability to record and apply Prepayment Sale -Ability to record SO, Sale-Send Items, and Payments (Automatically calculate stock on hand and costing) -Ability to record and apply Sale Return (Credit Note), and Refund (Automatically calculate stock on hand and costing) -Ability to view Sale and Outstanding Invoice Registers -Ability to run Client Ageing Report (Detail/Summary) by segment -Ability to manage Sale Commission by sale representative and run sale commission report -Ability to run full Sale Reports (Sale by Location Details/Summary, Segment Sale, Sale by Item/Client, Sale Analysis…) -Ability to run sale reports online Account Payable & PO Module -Ability to manage Supplier Group and Supplier details -Ability to record and apply Prepayment Purchase -Ability to record PO -Ability to link PO to Supplier Bill (One to one or many to one) -Ability to record Supplier Bill (AP only), Bill-Receive Items (AP & Inventory) or Receive Items (Inventory Only) with automated stock on hand and costing calculation -Ability to record and apply Purchase Return (Debit Note), and Refund (Automatically calculate stock on hand and costing) -Ability to view Supplier Bill and Outstanding Bill Registers -Ability to run Supplier Ageing Report by segment (Detail/Summary) -Ability to run Purchase Analysis report -Ability to run Purchase Ledger report online Stock Module -Ability to Manage Item Groups and Item master data -Ability to create and print Barcode/Serial no to stick on the physical items -Ability to record Stock Adjustments (stock in/stock out) -Ability to record Stock Transfer from one location/warehouse to another (Direct/Indirect) -Ability to track stock batch and expiry date, serial/IMEI -Ability to manage Assembly Items (Production BOM) -Ability to manage Item KIT (Bundle Items) -Ability to run full stock reports (stock movement, stock by warehouse, stock ageing, stock analysis…) -Ability to manage Stock Consignments (Sale and Purchase) -Ability to record Stock Take and Compare with Actual Qty on Hand -Ability to integrate with PDT Device (Stock Count Device) to print Barcode/Count/Order/Receive Stock -Ability to integrate with Electronic Scale Reporting Module -Ability to run full Financial Reports -Balance Sheet (Summary/12-Month) -Profit & Loss (Summary/12-Month) -Profit & Loss (Budget Comparison) -General Journal (Summary/Details) -General Ledger (Summary/Details) -Trial Balance (Summary/Details) -Cash Flow (Direct/Indirect) -Ability to run Financial Reports online -Ability to run Tax Reports (Following Cambodia General Tax Department) -VAT Return -Withholding Tax -Profit Tax Ability to run OLAP Reports (Pivot-Table Style Reporting) -Account Analysis -Budget Analysis -Sale Analysis -Purchase Analysis -Stock Analysis -Ability to export reports to other formats such as Excel, PDF, CSV -Ability to send reports via Email Optional Modules -Ability to manage Fixed Assets -Ability to manage Rice Mill Production (Disassembly BOM) -Ability to manage Construction Project Accounting -Ability to manage Travel Agency Accounting (Tour) -Ability to manage School Accounting -Ability to manage Loan Accounting (MFI) -Ability to manage Housing Loan Accounting -Ability to manage Project Accounting (WB, ADB, NGO…) -Ability to manage Commitment Accounting Process (Government Accounting) HARDWARE REQUIREMENT: Server -CPU Xeon -RAM 16GB or above -Windows Server 2012 R2 or above -SQL Server Standard 2012 or above Note: User can also use normal PC as the server. However, it is not recommended for multiple branches consolidated. Client -CPU Core i3 or above -RAM 4GB or above -Windows7 Pro or above -SQL Server Standard 2012 or above THIS SOLUTION IS FOR YOU IF: -You need to manage stock out from different warehouses -You operate your business from multiple locations -Your logistics are complex -You have more than 5 users -You wish to analyze your business in terms of costing and revenue activities